Posts Tagged ‘Backup’

Things to remember

  1. Central Admin application pool account must have read/write access to the backup folder.
  2. Your SQL Service account must have read/write access to the to the backup folder.
  3. The Scheduling account should have elevated privileges.
  4. If you’re running a farm backup from STSADM or Windows PowerShell, the account you’re running it as must have read/write access to  to the backup folder.
  5. The location must be accessible from the SharePoint machine the backup is running on.
  6. The location must be accessible from the SQL instance that SharePoint is trying to back up.
  7. In the windows scheduler check the option “Do not store password” this is needed for authenticate to the UNC Path

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Backup-SPFarm -Directory \\ServerName\Share -BackupMethod full

Save as PS1 file, create  a basic task and add “Action” – Set to Start a Program.
Program/Script is “PowerShell”.  Add argument for your script (“C:\scripts\FarmBackup_full.ps1”)

Happy Hunting :)